10 Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe

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Discover the 10 best cities to study abroad in Europe!

If you are thinking about studying abroad in Europe, DO IT! A study abroad semester is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will broaden your horizons, introduce you to so many new people, and give you all kinds of unique experiences.

Choosing the right city and university is essential to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Here are the 10 best cities to study abroad in Europe for the best semester away possible!

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10 Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe

Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Safety: 4/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Easy
  • Languages: English, Dutch

One of the best cities to study abroad in Europe is Amsterdam. This is actually where I did my exchange and I loved it so much that I came back and now live here!

Amsterdam is an incredibly young and vibrant city – it is home to many high-ranking universities like UVA and VU so your education won’t suffer during your semester abroad.

Amsterdam is a very safe city; luckily, you can walk or bike almost everywhere. The languages spoken here are English and Dutch – you will often hear more people speaking English than Dutch actually!

It is not the most cost-effective city – with prices for rent and eating out on the rise, but by biking everywhere you can save a lot on transportation.

Edinburgh, Scotland

  • Safety: 5/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Medium
  • Languages: English
Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh is a stunning city in the UK that is ideal for students! It is very safe, full of culture and the thriving student culture makes meeting like-minded friends super easy. It is not a budget-friendly place to study but well worth it with the perks of living in this magical city.

Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Safety: 4/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Easy
  • Languages: English, Danish
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is the youngest and most lively city in Denmark – making it one of the top places to study abroad in Europe.

➡️ Read More: Amsterdam vs. Copenhagen

It is a Nordic country so naturally, you can expect higher prices all around here, however, it comes with its perks. Like super clean streets, well-maintained sites and more.

Copenhagen – like Amsterdam – is a biking city so you can get around with ease without having to navigate public transport.

Read More: Best Girls Trip Destinations in Europe

Paris, France

  • Safety: 2.5/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Hard
  • Languages: English, French

Paris is an easy choice when thinking about studying in Europe. As one of the world’s most iconic cities it is full of things to do and see, and tons of other students that are eager to explore and meet one another. Although Paris is absolutely magical, it does have its downsides to living in.

It is not as safe as many other cities in Europe and due to its size getting around requires more effort and learning about public transport and other means of transportation.

More so, locals are not as willing to switch to English as others in other countries, but this gives you that push you might need to brush up on your French.

Lisbon, Portugal

  • Safety: 3.8/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Easy
  • Langauges: English, Porteguse
Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal

If you are seeking a historic, unique and sun-filled study abroad then Lisbon is for you! Lisbon is a fun and exciting city with lots of character and things to do.

It welcomes a very international audience and has great schools to study at for a few months. The best thing? It is one of the cheapest countries in Europe so you can enjoy all your adventures within a good budget.

As for safety, it’s pretty safe but can feel a little unsafe at night if you are a woman.

London, England

  • Safety: 3.8/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Hard
  • Languages: English
London, England

London is great for those who want to study abroad in Europe but don’t want to deal with intense culture shock. English is the spoken language and all the Western comforts can be easily found. It is one of the more expensive places in Europe especially if you want to stay in the city center.

Transportation is hard since London is not a super walkable city and getting around will require public transport, but once you figure it out it will be easy!

Barcelona, Spain

  • Safety: 2/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Medium
  • Languages: English, Spanish
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is the ideal place to study abroad if you want to enjoy a semester that feels more like a vacation than studying. The warm, sunny days, beautiful beach and laid-back vibe of Barcelona attract people from all around the world, making it a great place to study for a few months.

Barcelona is safe in terms of big crimes, but pretty crimes like pickpocketing are way too common. If you are not careful you will get your phone or wallet pickpocketed which could really ruin your time in the city.

But it is not too expensive here and people speak more Spanish than English but you can get by knowing just a little Spanish.

Vienna, Austria

  • Safety: 4/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Easy
  • Languages: English, German
Vienna, Austria

Vienna is the perfect mix of old, classy European culture and a fun, young, atmosphere. The city itself is not too large but big enough that there is plenty to do and see. You can walk to most places but also biking or taking scooters is common.

It is pretty safe and people speak good English and German.

Berlin, Germany

  • Safety: 3.5/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Easy
  • Languages: English, German
Berlin, Germany

Berlin is an interesting city that is best suited for a specific type of person. If you like understated, underground, laid-back vibes then this city is for you.

Studying here will introduce you to many interesting people and if you like to go out and party you will get to see and experience some of the most famous and exclusive clubs in the world. There are many more things to do in Berlin beyond partying too!

Florence, Italy

  • Safety: 3.9/5
  • Price: $$$$$
  • Transportation: Easy
  • Langauges: English, Italain
Florence, Italy
Florence, Italy

Heading to Florence will be quite a culture shock but the beauty and magic of this city make it worth it.

It is one of the least “Westernized” cities on this list so if you want to make the transition from your home country to studying abroad as easy as possible this is likely not the best option. But if you do want to immerse yourself in the Italian lifestyle this is the place for you!

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Studying abroad in Europe is an experience you will remember forever. Picking the right city that fits your wants in a place to live for a few months is crucial! Use this list to inspire your choice and write a comment if you have any other questions.

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Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe
Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe
